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Panera Bread nutrition?

Diskutiere Panera Bread nutrition? im Ernährung und Diät - Allgemeines Forum im Bereich Abnehmen und Diät Methoden; This afternoon my mum & I went to Panera Bread. I've been watching my nutrition and I haven't ate out in 3 weeks. So today was the first time I...

  1. jessi1980

    jessi1980 Guest

    This afternoon my mum & I went to Panera Bread.
    I've been watching my nutrition and I haven't ate out in 3 weeks.
    So today was the first time I had ate out.
    Well I ordered the Mac & Cheese in the bread bowl.
    I ate most of the mac in cheese in it and I've been snacking on the bread bowl recently because I decided that'd be my dinner.

    All i ate today was that and a little bit of oatmeal .

    I'm 5'3 and i'm 17 have I consumed too many calories?

    thank you
    #1 jessi1980, 23.09.2013
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Panera Bread nutrition?

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